Why Practice Meditation?

No one is immune to the insults of life. Many of us shut down aspects of ourselves to avoid feeling pain. This is a reasonable and human response. But this shut down serves to dull our lives and dim our light. The off switch does not discriminate. Awe, love, joy and humor all exist on the same breaker as grief, fear, anger, and pain.

But we can learn to integrate our experiences. We can learn to live our full life as a whole being. We can learn to trust our own core and live in a freer space.

 You can learn to love and care for yourself. It is a natural progression from self love to self care. Think of the lengths you would go to to protect your loved ones. Now put yourself on that list. At the top.

You belong. You belong. You belong.

Learn the benefits of meditation through practice and experience.

Julie Palian is a personalized meditation teacher. She works with people from all walks of life with sincere care.

Meditation with an experienced meditation teacher is highly beneficial to a new practice. Different aspects and varieties of meditation benefit us in different ways at different times. Come to explore what it has to offer you.